Rýchle hľadanie

Prémiové remene JT - eSHOP

Hnací remeň JT JTB2003

Hnací remeň JT JTB2003
Technické informácie
Názov Hnací remeň JT JTB2003
Skupina Prémiové remene JT
Popis Premium drive belt - Direct replacement belt, manufactured to exact OEM specifications.
Značka JT
Vhodné pre značky APRILIA, SUZUKI
MOC s DPH 11,21 EUR
Dostupnosť Na opýtanie

JT Drive Belts utilise the latest construction methods and only the most advanced raw materials to provide high thermal capabilities, maximum abrasion and wear resistance, a superior fit, and durability to meet with original equipment replacement intervals.


Premium Drive Belt

  • Direct replacement belt, manufactured to exact OEM specifications
  • Providing excellent stability and side thrust force resistance, offering durability and dependability for continuous variable scooter transmissions

Vyhľadanie podľa motocykla

Katalóg podľa výrobkov

Osobné nastavenie podvozku

Personal suspension settings

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